Getting Started
G2 is a visualization grammar, a data-driven visual language with a high level of usability and scalability. It provides a set of grammars, takes users beyond a limited set of charts to an almost unlimited world of graphical forms. With G2, users can describe the visual appearance of a visualization just by one statement.
Special thanks to Leland Wilkinson, the author of The Grammar Of Graphics, whose book served as the foundation for G2.
$ npm install @antv/g2

<div id="c1"></div>
import G2 from '@antv/g2';
const data = [
{ genre: 'Sports', sold: 275 },
{ genre: 'Strategy', sold: 1150 },
{ genre: 'Action', sold: 120 },
{ genre: 'Shooter', sold: 350 },
{ genre: 'Other', sold: 150 },
const chart = new G2.Chart({
container: 'c1',
width: 500,
height: 500,
$ npm install
# run test case
$ npm run test-live
# build watching file changes and run demos
$ npm run dev
# run demos
$ npm run demos
How to Contribute
Please let us know how can we help. Do check out issues for bug reports or suggestions first.
To become a contributor, please follow our contributing guide.
Experience Improvement Program Description
In order to serve the users better, G2 will send the URL and version information back to the AntV server:
Except for URL and G2 version information, no other information will be collected. You can also turn it off with the following code:
// disable tracking
We decided to terminate the "Experience Improvement Program". In verson @antv/g2@3.4.7
and above, all tracking code is removed, no unexpected remote request will be sent while you are using G2.
leungwensen | simaQ | dxq613 | elaine1234 | guisturdy | paleface001 |
chenshuai2144 | xile611 | maplor | zhfanrui | Frezc | Leannechn |
janjakubnanista | ParryQiu | Sai0514 | liximomo | wensen-lws | xudafeng |
wangyu-kelly | BlackGanglion | illumen | DanielRuf | huacnlee | 0nza1101 |
RaoHai | tbroadley | charleyw | Hazyzh | forbreak | nekocode |
This project follows the git-contributor spec, auto updated at Sat Jul 27 2019 14:06:08 GMT+0800